...there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who've gone over.
--Hunter S. Thompson

Saturday, July 10, 2010

RE: prompt

basking in his presence
his face pressed against mine
thighs aligned, tongues intertwined
breathing through his mouth

i rise to the occasion, drenched in sweat
i clench my teeth as my muscles spasm
me, wriggling out of control
i scream in sheer delight

my toes unfurl
as a sigh is released
from him and i


  1. Hey, thanks for sharing. This poem is very sexy. :) I wondered about the first line. It definitely seems worshipful and not really what a woman would think, at least in my opinnion. However the fist line did give way to some pretty great images. I also think 'i scream in sheer delight' is a little weak or maybe cliche. I liked 'my toes unfurl' and also the subject. Good job,

  2. Thank you! I fully agree that "i scream in sheer delight" was weak. I had to throw in the word unfurl, I love it! I wasn't going for worshipful in the first line, but I suppose it could be. Perhaps I should have said "basking in his body heat" or something to that effect. Thanks for the criticism! ^_^

  3. Thanks for posting! More later!

  4. You bet,
    I think if you are not going for 'worshipful' than 'basking' would be a good word to change. :) or perhaps basking in the heat from her own body, remember you are writing from a woman's view point. :) I guess i would like the first line to seem more like a woman's narrative voice and less of a male immitating a woman.:) But I think that is the challenge of this prompt. I really do like this poem.

  5. I think that the tone could be worshipful, as there are women like that, however, I think a setting will help more than anything else. If we can ground this moment in a setting, the reader will get a much larger sense. Try, instead of focusing directly on the sexuality, to describe the setting from a woman's perspective. As I told Judy, maybe use some adjectives that are concrete but also indicative of personal emotion. For example, is the counter-top "ribbing her love handles" or "cradling her hips?" Both of these mean vastly different things, but are concrete. Anyhow, great ambition!

    I like the Freudian slip of 'I rise to the occasion.' I also like the image of 'breathing through his mouth.' Great job! Thanks for sharing!
