...there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who've gone over.
--Hunter S. Thompson

Saturday, July 10, 2010

post #1

I seem to have lost a lot of the works I had done on my computer. I am left with the beginning of a short story and a very short poem. The following, in bold font, is the beginnings of what I hope to be a novel one day. I always have trouble starting a story, so I began with dialog...any suggestions are more than welcome!

"The altercation began approximately here," Officer Don Rudlow pointed to his shoe, which was next to a pool of blood, "in the living room and ended in the kitchen. From the information we've gathered, Detective, it appears that the assailant arrived and left by foot. We've surveyed the area for footprints to no avail. No dice on fingerprints either."

"Well done, Rudlow. Take five, my men will contain the crime scene."

"Thank you, sir."

Detective Thatcher pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket to cover his mouth as he coughed. He turned to his crew and motioned for them to get started. As they began tagging and photographing all potential evidence, Detective Thatcher began to follow the trail of blood with his eyes. The observations the officer had given him were clumsy, at best. The puddle of blood the officer had pointed out, and claimed to be the initial point of attack, was spattered in a way that there would be no entry, nor any sufficient space to hide for such a gruesome attack. Not from that angle, Detective Thatcher was sure of that. No, the attack had to have begun in the kitchen, worked its way into the living room, leaving the assailant with one exit, the kitchen window.

Thanks in advance for the criticism! I could use it :)

1 comment:

  1. This seems very interesting, well written, and I want to read more. :)
    Thanks for sharing,
